Circular Economy Implementation in Greece

A. Preparatory actions

The first in line preparatory action aims to create...

C. Concrete implementation actions

Action C1 entails all necessary procedures...

D. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

This action aims at providing the necessary...

E. Public awareness and dissemination of results

This action entails activities dedicated to raise...

F. Project Management and monitoring of project progress

The successful implementation and completion...

Circular Economy

The term ‘circular economy’ has often being presented to the public, in addition to its use in scientific circles. There is no absolute definition of the term, since it most often depends on users, audience or perspective.

This, combined with some aspects of the circular economy associated with more well-known and traditional concepts, such as recycling, often creates a difficulty in understanding the spectrum of the term.

Coordinating beneficiary

Αssociated beneficiaries

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    Circular Economy Implementation in Greece
    LIFE-IP CEI-Greece - LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013


    The project is co-funded by:

    Life Programme of the European Union

    Green Fund