

European Green Deal: European Commission aims for zero pollution in air, water and soil

On the 12th of May 2021 the European Commission adopted the EU Action Plan: “Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil” – a key deliverable of the European Green Deal and the main topic of this year's EU Green Week. It sets out an integrated vision for 2050: a world where pollution is reduced to levels that are no longer harmful to human health and natural ecosystems, as well as the steps to get there.
May 14, 2021

DAFNI Network – Mission to 5 islands, members of the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece consortium.

In the context of the integrated LIFE project CEI-Greece “Circular Economy Implementation in Greece”, DAFNI Network visited 5 pilot islands, members of the consortium, in the Aegean Sea: Alonissos, Antiparos, Thira, Paros and Tinos. During the visits, meetings with representatives of the municipalities were organized, discussing topics that relate to local waste management but also circular economy implementation issues on insular areas. Visits were also organized with key local economic “players” aiming at data collection, recording the current situation and highlighting existing good practices.
February 5, 2021

Circular Economy Stakeholders Survey at national level

In the context of action A1.2 “Stakeholder engagement and needs assessment” of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece,  with the aim to register and further consider the needs, on capacity building as well as stakeholder opinions for the successful  transition of Greece towards Circular Economy, an online survey has been successfully carried out.
January 27, 2021

Inaugural Conference “Circular Economy Implementation in Greece”, 21.01.2021

The Ministry of Environment and Energy in cooperation with the Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency and the Green Fund, successfully organized the inaugural conference of  LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, entitled «Circular Economy Implementation in Greece». The conference was held on-line on Thursday January 21, 2021, 10 a.m. - 1.30 pm, due to the pandemic restrictions applied in Greece.
January 22, 2021

LIFE-IP CEI-Greece in the closing conference of LIFE Reweee

The Hellenic Recycling Agency as a partner of the project LIFE ReWEEE “Development and demonstration of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) prevention and reuse paradigms”, organized a very succesful online conference for the presentation of the project final results,  on Wednesday, 18 November 2020. During that conference, an overview of the project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece “Circular Economy Implementation in Greece” was presented to the audience by the project manager Ms Maria Plati. The conference programme included among others,  presentations from four other major partners of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, the Hellenic Recycling Agency, the Ecological Recycling Society, the Green Fund and the Harokopio University of Athens, also partners of LIFE ReWEEE.
November 20, 2020

Circular Economy Implementation in Greece
LIFE-IP CEI-Greece - LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013


The project is co-funded by:

Life Programme of the European Union

Green Fund