

Hybrid information event in the city of Kozani | 22/6/2022

Our associated beneficiary DIADYMA SA organized a succesfull hybrid event in the city of Kozani, on Wednesday 22 June 2022, in the context of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece. The event was entitled "The European project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, Circular Economy Implementation in Greece, in the Region of Western Macedonia" and was part of the 30 year anniversary celebration events of the european funding programme LIFE (
June 27, 2022

24/6 Info Event: the operation of an Enhanced Green Centre in the Municipality of VVV

The Municipality of Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni (MoVVV) organized succesfully an information event, on June 24, 2022, as part of a public consultation procedure that is currently conducting, for the establishment of the first Enhanced Green Centre (EGC) in the country. The event aimed to inform the local community about the establishment of an Enhanced Green Centre (EGC), an outcome of the municipality's collaboration with the project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, of which MoVVV is a strategic partner.
June 21, 2022

LIFE-IP CEI-Greece on the 9th International Conference of Sustainable Solid Waste Management (Hazardous Hosehold Waste in the Municipality of Athens).

The results of Action A2.4, for the Municipality of Athens, "Preparatory studies for the integrated management of Hazardous Household Waste" were presented in the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management ( that took place in the island of Corfu - Greece between  15 - 18 June 2022.
June 20, 2022

The implementation progress of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece

The integrated project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, of 8 years duration, has recently entered dynamically it's 2nd phase, with significant achievenments  during the 1st preparatory stage, including a large number of completed deliverables that were prepared under the difficult circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the succesful completion of the 1st phase of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, the project team submitted recently to the European Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and the Environment  (CINEA) the 1st Interim Report, including all the completed deliverables as well as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The 1st Interim Report comprises of a detailed description of the project results so far, including learning achievements for all project partners, through the implementation of preparatory actions.
March 4, 2022

Event 26/11: Circular Economy Implementation in the Sporades Complex – The case of Alonissos

The project  LIFE-IP CEI-Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece" participates in the European Week for Waste Reduction 2021, entitled "Circular Communities", coordinated at national level by our project partner Hellenic Recycling Association, with the open event "Circular Economy Implementation in the Sporades Complex - The case of Alonissos" organized by the  Municipality of Alonissos and DAFNI Network of Sustainable Islands (project associated beneficiaries), with the support of the  Ministry of Environment and Energy (project coordinator) and HRA (associated beneficiary).
November 15, 2021

Municipality of Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni – Heading towards a zero waste society

The Municipality of Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni, organized a very succesful event entitled "Municipality of VVV - Heading towards a zero waste society" on September 22, 2021 in the context of Action E1.8  "Local awareness raising events for the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece demonstration actions". The Municipality of VVV is a strategic partner of  LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, a european LIFE project coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Energy in collaboration with 18 strategic partners. This cooperation aims to expand and fully apply in the municipality,  the principle of waste separation at source with a number of separate recyclable streams, as well as a system of "Pay as you Throw"  (PAYT), already applied in the areas of Pigadakia in Voula and Dilofo at Vari.
September 24, 2021

Participation of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece at the Athens Circular Forum II in the framework of the EU Green Week, 31/05/21-01/06/21

After the success of the first Athens Circular Forum in bringing the Circular Agenda at the heart of the public debate during the municipal, regional and European elections of May 2019, the Athens Circular Forum 2021 will take place on May 31 and June 1. ACF is the Partner Event for Greece in the EU Green Week, a pan-European policy event that will see the participation of stakeholders from all over Europe to discuss and determine the future of European environmental, energy and climate action to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
May 25, 2021

Circular Economy Implementation in Greece
LIFE-IP CEI-Greece - LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013


The project is co-funded by:

Life Programme of the European Union

Green Fund