

ΕΠΑΝΕΚΚΙΝΗΣΙΣ organizes the 1st independent REPAIR CAFE with the support of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, 25.2.2023

The social enterprise ΕΠΑΝΕΚΚΙΝΗΣΙΣ organizes the 1st independent Repair Cafe in Athens with the support of the project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece “Circular Economy Implementation in Greece”. The Repair Cafe will take place in the new premises of ΕΠΑΝΕΚΚΙΝΗΣΙΣ  (Fedriadon 45, Kypseli, Athens 11364), on Saturday 25 February 2023, 11:00-16:00.
February 23, 2023

Info Day by the Central Market of Thessaloniki S.A. in the context of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, 14/12

The Central Market of Thessaloniki S.A. organizes a hybrid info day in the context of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, as a co-beneficiary, on December 14, 2022, at 17.00 in the Thessaloniki Town Hall, room "Manolis Anagnostakis". The event is  entitled: The prospects of food waste prevention actions of CMT, as a new co-beneficiary of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece | Circular Economy Implementation in Greece.
December 7, 2022

5th Start-up Entrepreneurship Festival “GRBossible-In Action” with the support of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, 8-9/12

The job search platform, active in the Greek and international job market, organizes the 5th Start-up Entrepreneurship Festival GRBossible “In Action” at 8-9 December 2022, 10:00-18:00, in the National Research Institution with the support of the project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece – Circular Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece" and the Green Fund and under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Attica Region. The festival is dedicated to the Greek Entrepreneurship and its harmonization with the current trends and challenges.   
December 1, 2022

CE in the Cycladic Islands – The case of Paros/Antiparos, a hybrid information event.

The Municipalities of Paros and Antiparos, in cooperation with DAFNI Network, the Hellenic Recycling Agency (HRA) and the Ministry of Environment & Energy (MEEN) organize a number of events in the context of action Ε1.8 of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece entitled "Local awareness raising events for LIFE-IP CEI-Greece demonstration actions"  and the "European Week for Waste Reduction" (19-27/11) which is coordinated by HRA at national level, with the topic "Circular and Sustainable Textiles".
November 21, 2022

Meetings with local stakeholder representatives in Paros and Antiparos, about waste management.

In the context of  LIFE-IP CEI-Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece", a number of working meetings took place at the end of October in the island of Paros, coordinated by the Municipalities of Paros and Antiparos and DAFNI Network of Sustainable Islands,  where information was exchanged with local stakeholder representatives from the tourism sector, about waste management issues and the possibilites for implementing  Circular Economy, in the local tourism sector.
October 31, 2022

1st Forum on Food Waste Prevention

The project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece organizes, in the framework of action C7.2 "Development of a stakeholder dialogue forum for the prevention of food waste generation", the 1st Forum for the prevention of food waste generation - Measurement, prevention and management of food waste in the catering industry. The forum will be held alongside the Retaste 2022 – Rethink Food Waste conference (, October 20-21) and will take place on October 20, 13.30-17.00 at the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Heraklion, Crete with the option for live or on-line attendance, for the catering and hospitality industry.

1st Forum Programme.

October 14, 2022

International Day of Awareness for Food Loss and Waste

The  project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece “Circular Economy Implementation in Greece” supports the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste  designated by the The United Nations General Assembly on 29 September. View here the press release about the actions of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece which aim to contribute towards the qualitative and quantitative targets that have been set by the country for the reduction of food waste, scientifically coordinated by the Harokopio University of Athens.
September 29, 2022

The 4th Monitoring Session of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece took place with great success.

The 4th external monitoring session of the project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece" coordinated by the Ministry of Environment & Energy has been completed with great success. The monitoring session took place on September 22 and 23, 2022, in the presence of the external monitoring team members, Mr. Aurelio Politano (Project Adviser, European Agency for Climate, Infrastructure & the Environment – CINEA ), Sofia Papageorgiou and Elias Demian (Technical Monitors , NEEMO EEIG ) and the 20 beneficiaries of the project. Mr. Manolis Grafakos, General Secretary of Waste Management Coordination opened the session with a greeting speech.
September 27, 2022

Circular Economy Implementation in Greece
LIFE-IP CEI-Greece - LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013


The project is co-funded by:

Life Programme of the European Union

Green Fund