In the context of the european project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece" the Harokopio University in collaboration with the Ministry of Enviroment & Energy organize a thematic workshop on Thursday 28 September, 11.30-13.30 (at Harokopio University, 70 El. Venizelou Avenue, Kallithea, 17676, Attica, New Building, Events Hall) about agro-food waste and the bioeconomy.
In the workshop, experts will present their scientific arguments and findings for the stage of the agri-food sector in relation to a number of axis such as: strengthening the prevention of food waste and losses at the level of (European) policy and practice, improving the utilization of food waste in high-quality products, developing and applying technological and social innovations, the principles of circular economy on ecosystems, etc.
epolitopoulouSeptember 10, 2023