

Results and Prospects of Circular Economy in Greece from the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece Project – Event at the VERDE TEC Exhibition

The Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEEN), coordinator of the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece project – LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013 "Implementation of Circular Economy in Greece", along with three (3) partners—the Green Fund, the Hellenic Recycling Agency (HRA), and the Ecological Recycling Society (ERS)—organized an event on February 21, 2025, as part of the VERDE TEC Exhibition. The event presented the project’s initial results and fostered discussions on the significance and future of Circular Economy in Greece. The LIFE-IP CEI-Greece project is coordinated by MEEN and implemented in collaboration with 19 strategic partners. Its ultimate goal is to contribute to the implementation of the National Waste Management Plan, the National Waste Prevention Program, and the National Strategy for Circular Economy. View here the Press Release

3rd Online EU Thematic Workshop – Sustainable Recycling Practices and Standards for Circular Economy in the framework of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece Project, 26/09/2024

An online EU Thematic Workshop on the topic of "Sustainable recycling practices Standards for circular economy" is organized by the Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) in collaboration with the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, in the framework of the project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, titled: “Circular Economy Implementation in Greece” (LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013), on Thursday 26 September 2024,09:00-16:00.
August 15, 2024

A successful Regional Info Day in Thessaloniki, Forward Green Expo 2024.

The municipality of Thessaloniki, a co-beneficiary of the project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, organized a regional awareness raising event (Info Day),  with great success, on Friday 8 March  2024, at the international exhibition  “Forward Green Expo”, regarding the implementation of circular economy, in the context of action E1.7 of the european project  LIFE-IP CEI-Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece". The event,  that attracted a large number of participants from interested parties and stakeholders, hosted greeting speeches from the General Secretary of Waste Management Coordination, Mr. Manolis Grafakos and the President of the Hellenic Recycling Agency, Mr. Vaggelis Karamintzios.
March 21, 2024

A Regional Info Day and a Capacity building workshop, succesfully completed in the region of North Aegean.

A regional "Info Day" with a  "Capacity Building Workshop" have been succesfully organized by the Green Fund, the Region of North Aegean and  DAFNI Network, from December 4 until 7, 2023, in a number of North Aegean islands, in the context of the european integrated LIFE project, LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, LIFE 18/IPE/GR000013 "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece".
February 24, 2024

Circular Economy Repository

A digital repository for Circular Economy has been recently launched and is currently accessible to all, developed in the context of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece.The repository operates as a systematically organized database with information about circular economy -  documents about national standards, technical specifications and other relevant criteria - that will be constantly updated to provide complete and immediate access to important documents.
February 12, 2024

2nd LIFE-IP CEI-Greece Conference, Thessaloniki 16 November 2023

The european project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece organized with great success its' 2nd Conference  in the city of Thessaloniki (Conference Programme),  regarding CE implementation in Greece,  offering the opportunity to all stakeholders who are involved with the transition of our country to Circular Economy to get informed about the progress of the project actions as well as a number of useful methodologies that have been elaborated in the context of the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece pilot actions, that are closely linked with the new legal framework requirements for integrated waste management.
November 28, 2023

A three day capacity building workshop on Circular Economy in the Region of Western Macedonia.

A three day Capacity Building Workshop on Circular Economy has taken place with great success,  from 18 to 20 October 2023, at the Koventarios Municipal Library of Kozani, co-organized by the Green Fund, the Region of Western Macedonia, the Municipality of Kozani, and DIADYMA S.A. in the context of the european project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013 "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece". The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, in collaboration with 19 strategic partners, including the Green Fund and DIADYMA S.A.
October 29, 2023

2nd Forum on the Prevention of Food Waste – HoReCa Industry

In the context of the european project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece" coordinated by the Ministry of Environment & Energy in collaboration with 19 strategic partners, food waste prevention forums are organized, with regular working meetings and the ultimate goal to develop voluntary agreements and relevant policy tools. The 2nd Forum for the Prevention of Food Waste Generation, will take place on Monday 2 October 2023, at Harokopio University in Athens. View here further information about the 2nd Forum including the Programme.
September 19, 2023

2nd International Workshop – Agrofood Waste & Bioeconomy 28/9

In the context of the european project LIFE-IP CEI-Greece "Circular Economy Implementation in Greece" the Harokopio University in collaboration with the Ministry of Enviroment & Energy organize a thematic workshop on Thursday 28 September, 11.30-13.30 (at Harokopio University,  70 El. Venizelou Avenue, Kallithea, 17676, Attica, New Building, Events Hall)  about agro-food waste and the bioeconomy.

In the workshop, experts will present their scientific arguments and findings for the stage of the agri-food sector in relation to a number of axis such as: strengthening the prevention of food waste and losses at the level of (European) policy and practice, improving the utilization of food waste in high-quality products, developing and applying technological and social innovations,  the principles of circular economy on ecosystems, etc.

September 10, 2023

Circular Economy Implementation in Greece
LIFE-IP CEI-Greece - LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013


The project is co-funded by:

Life Programme of the European Union

Green Fund