The Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) was established in 1976 as a non-profit legal entity under private law, subsidized by the State and supervised by the Minister of Industry. Under the provisions of Article 6 of Act 4109/2013, a legal entity of the private law, under the name “National Quality Infrastructure System” and acronym NQIS, was established. According to this Act, the “Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT)” was transformed and incorporated to the National Quality Infrastructure System – NQIS, as an autonomous operational unit with operational, financial and accounting autonomy with the acronym NQIS/ELOT.

According to ELOT statutes, the NQIS – Hellenic Organization for Standardization is the sole Body, at national level, for the approval, publication and distribution of National Standards. NQIS/ELOT is the recognized national member of International and European Organizations for Standardization, such as ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. Finally, NQIS/ELOT provides information services on Standardization and EU Legislation issues as well as specialized open or in house training courses, in topics related to Standardization, Quality and EU Legislation. NQIS/ELOT operates under specific criteria set by European organizations for standardization, namely CEN and CENELEC.

ELOT operates Standardization Committees related to Circular Economy and Environment aiming at:

  • Supporting relevant national policies and  national  regulatory  harmonization  to  European regulatory framework
  • Drafting Hellenic standards, technical specifications and codes of practice and
  • Monitoring and participating in European and International standardization issues in this domain.

Within the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, NQIS/ELOT will mainly be involved in standardization activities for secondary raw materials and processes, as well as the necessary networking and dissemination of relevant actions within the context of the National Circular Economy Strategy of Greece.

Circular Economy Implementation in Greece
LIFE-IP CEI-Greece - LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013


The project is co-funded by:

Life Programme of the European Union

Green Fund