Life Programme of the European Union

16.11.2023, 2nd Conference of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece in Thessaloniki.

16.11.2023 The project coordinators of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece (Ms. Sofia Mani) and LIFE MicliFEED (Ms. Smaro Sotiraki) sign a partnership memorandum for the management of agrofood waste based on CE principles in the context of action C5, during the 2nd LIFE-IP CEI-Greece Conference.

7.11.2023, Municipality of Athens, Information Session about Hazardous Household Waste separate collection and management.

7.11.2023, Information Session on HHW separate collection and management, Municipality of Athens.

7.11.2023, Information Session on HHW separate collection and management, Municipality of Athens.

18-20.10.2023 – CE Capacity Building Workshop in the Region of Western Macedonia (Kozani)

18-20.10.2023, Circula Game – CE Capacity Building Workshop in the Region of Western Macedonia.

2.10.2023, Discussion Panel on the 2nd Food Waste Prevention Forum, Harokopio University

27.4.2023 | 2nd Circular Economy Festival dont’ drop, Municipal Market of Kypseli. Project Manager of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece, Ms M.Plati presents the project overview (progress and achievements).

28.4.2023 | 2nd Circular Economy Festival don’t drop , Municipal Market of Kypseli. Dr F. Kyrkitsos, President of ERS and LIFE-IP CEI-Greece partner during his presentation on Zero Waste Future.

28.4.2023 | 2nd Circular Economy Festival don’t drop, Municipal Market of Kypseli. LIFE-IP CEI-Greece partners from the Green Fund, Mr D. Homatidis (CE and IT Expert), Ms K. Kolligiorga (Communication Officer) and Ms Z. Gaitanarou (Waste Expert) gave a presentation on Circular Business Models.

28.4.2023 | A local info event about the launching of separate collection of household hazardous waste in the city of Kozani, DIADYMA SA.

28.4.2023 | The municipal van funded by LIFE-IP CEI-Greece for the separate collection of household hazardous waste in the city of Kozani, DIADYMA SA.

4.4.2023 | Snapshot from the 1st on-line International Thematic Workshop entitled “Zero Waste Islands” organized by DAFNI Network in collaboration with MEEN

18.3.2023 – Ms Maria Plati, Project Manager of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece |Ministry of Environment and Energy, presents the project during the unit “Contribution of LIFE to the national policy framework” at the LIFE programme session, hosted by the 5th International Exhibition Verde.tec in Athens.

18.3.2023 – Representatives from NEEMO EEIG and LIFE beneficiaries at the LIFE kiosk in the 5th International Exhibition Verde.tec in Athens.

14.12.2022, A hybrid Info Day was organized by the Central Market of Thessaloniki, with regard to the prevention of food waste, in the context of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece.

14.12.2022, Hybrid Info Day, Central Market of Thessaloniki on the prevention of food waste in the context of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece. From the left Ms Hatziarseni and Mr Argyriadis from the Fish Market Premises of Thessaloniki, Mr Papadopoulos (President of CMT) and Mr Homatidis from the Green Fund.

25.11.2022, A hybrid information and awareness local event was organized in the Municipality of Paros, in the context of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece and the European Week for Waste Reduction. From the left Mr. Kovaios (Mayor of Paros), Mr Komninos (Director of DAFNI), Ms Marini (Deputy Director of Research, Waste Prevention & Communications, HRA) and Mr Niakas, (Waste Expert, DAFNI).

The Mayors of Antiparos and Paros, (from the left) Mr. Faroupos, and Mr. Kovaios, with the Director of Dafni Network, Mr. Komninos, having signed a cooperation memorandum, with HRA and Danfi Network, for 2023 to be celebrated as a Circular Economy year in the islands.

21-27.11.2022, Awareness raising workshops took place in 6 junior schools of Paros and Antiparos islands, in the context of the EWWR and LIFE-IP CEI-Greece.

21-27.11.2022, Awareness raising workshops took place in 6 junior schools of Paros and Antiparos islands, in the context of the EWWR and LIFE-IP CEI-Greece.
Info Day: The european programme LIFE-IP CEI-Greece in the Region of Western Macedonia (22.06.2022)

Left: the Mayor of Kozani Mr. Lazaros Maloutas in the podium, Right: the General Secretary of Waste Management Coordination Mr. Manolis Grafakos and the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece project manager, Ms. Maria Plati.

Left, the Director of Green Fund and Representative of the LIFE National Point of Contact for the Environment Mr. Giorgos Protopapas. Right: The Head of Alternative Waste Management Dpt. of HRA, Ms Marina Papadaki.
Event: Celebration for the 30 year anniversary of LIFE programme (26.05.2022)

Left: Mr. Stathopoulos (President of Green Fund), Ms Koligiorga (Communication Officer, Green Fund) and Mr. Chiotakis (Managing Director, HRA). Right: Ms Plati (Project Manager of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece) presents the project during the Panel ‘LIFE Environment’.
Event: Circular Economy in the Sporades Islands – The case of Alonissos (26.11.2021)

Left, the Mayor of Alonissos, Mr. Petros Vafinis and right, the General Secretary of Waste Management Coordination, Mr. Manolis Grafakos.

Snapshots from the creative CE educational workshop that took place in the junior school of Alonissos. LIFE-IP CEI-Greece | EWWR
Event: Circular Economy in the Cyclades – The case of Tinos (11.10.2021)

LIFE-IP CEI-Greece – DAFNI Network – Municipality of Tinos. CE in the Cyclades | The case of Tinos.

LIFE-IP CEI-Greece – DAFNI Network – Municipality of Tinos. CE in the Cyclades | The case of Tinos.

LIFE-IP CEI-Greece – DAFNI Network – Municipality of Tinos. CE in the Cyclades | The case of Tinos.
Event: Municipality of Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni – Heading towards a zero waste society (22.09.2021)

The Mayor of Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni Mr. Konstantellos.

The Deputy Minister of Interior, Mr. Petsas

The General Secretary for Waste Management Coordination, Mr. Grafakos

An executive from the Waste Management Unit of the Municipality of Ljubljana, Ms Stankovic

The Mayor of Aglantzia, Cyprus, Mr. Konstantinou

The director of Cleaning and Recycling Dpt. of the Municipality of VVV, Mr. Kavrakos.

The President of Ecological Recycling Society, Dr. Kyrkitsos.

Event at the Municipality of Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni – Heading towards a zero waste society.