The development of pilot actions in 9 municipalities and 1 region to promote the practical implementation of waste hierarchy:
  • Integrated Waste Management based on circular economy principles (5 insular and 1 mountainous municipality)
  • Preparation for reuse and separate waste collection (2 urban municipalities)
  • Hazardous household waste management (1 urban municipality and 1 region)
  • Implementation of financial tools (1 urban municipality)
Implement actions to promote food waste prevention and development of local/regional alliances for Agro-Food Waste Management in the context of circular economy
Enhance the use of economic instruments, as well as developing secondary materials standards to support the implementation of circular economy
Build-up a knowledge base to support monitoring of circu­lar economy, particularly in the field of waste management
Improve awareness of key stakeholders, authorities and the general public with respect to the concept of circular econ­omy and its implication in waste management
Mobilize complementary funding resources to support the effective implementation of the National Waste Management Plan
Disseminate the project results and ensure their imple­mentation and replication in other areas

Circular Economy Implementation in Greece
LIFE-IP CEI-Greece - LIFE18 IPE/GR/000013


The project is co-funded by:

Life Programme of the European Union

Green Fund